Monday, August 29, 2005

Capoeira - Part I

Capoeira is a martial art developed in Brazil by enslaved Africans.The true history of the art is unclear, but most people believe the following:

In the 1500's many Africans were taken from different areas of West Africa and brought to Brazil to be used as slaves by the Portuguese. They were taken from their land, but their culture and desire for freedom could not be taken away. With this need for freedom growing, these people began developing techniques for defending themselves and for escape.

Of course slaves could not be allowed to practice martial arts, so the development and practice of the art had to be disguised. The natural disguise for the art was as a dance being that in Africa dance and music are the most popular forms of expression. So these "slaves" developed a way of practicing different defensive and offensive techniques with music, singing, and dance.


At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capoeira is one of the best fighting styles out in the world, but is difficult to use because in a real battle, someone would need a greaat amount of stamina just to keep up.

Nevertheless, this style can easily be devestating. Just keep in mind that it's not the style, but the fighter.


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