Ball boy scores a goal in Brazil

In the 89th minute of a third division football match, Santacruszense shot the ball just wide of the goal.
The referee Silvia Regina de Oliveira, who is the first woman to officiate at the highest level in Brazilian football, apparently had her back to the net when this happened.
The ball boy, clearly inspired to do his bit for the home side, instead of returning the ball to the keeper tapped it into the net.
The referee thought the ball had gone in and signalled a goal. The rival players accosted her while the TV commentators celebrated in typical latino style.
Strangely enough, despite the video evidence the goal still stands.
Instead the referee faces a suspension, the period for which is not known as yet.
Oliveira said she should have trusted her own eyes instead of relying on the judgment of the linesman who is the one who signalled the goal.
Here is the video evidence:
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